artist profile


Noc Beteck

About Noc Beteck

My real name is Enaka Beteck. I was born in Cameroon, Africa and moved to the USA when I was 8 years old. Currently, I’m a Club Manager for the Boys & Girls Club in the same neighborhood I grew up in. I started doing music back in high school but realizing that people around me weren’t “hip” to the type of music I was making I continued doing music in private and secret. It wasn’t until December of 2022 when I made the conscious decision to start putting music out publicly. The reason was because I went through years of life hardships and I lost everything. When I only had myself I had a “life awakening” call that made me realize I was wasting my talent and letting my purpose in life slip away. With music, my purpose is to spread a message of morality and self-reflection. My goal is to redefine the rapper image.

Play it Forward Music, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization with the mission of empowering musicians and fans to make the world a better place. Specifically, is a website where artists support non-profit organizations by selling their music in exchange for charitable donations. Although we primarily distribute music, we encourage the submission of all forms of original audio recordings including spoken word, slam poetry, stand-up comedy, guided meditations, etc. Learn more

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