
Small mardi   azure demo  album

I rap and sing, and I have been doing that since 8 years old. Things about me: 1 I hate oatmeal. 2 I'm kind. 3 I love making music. 4 I'm clean. 5 I hate haters. These are my ABC'S A = Apples cause I like apples B=Brave Cause im brave C=Caring D=Donuts E=Elegant F=Fun G=Great H=Healthy I=Independent J=Justic K=Kind L=Lemonade M/My fam=Mardi cause that's me and I care about my family N=Noodles O=Olives cause that's my favorite pizza topping. P=Pizza Q=Q.B.L which means quiet but Loud cause i'm both of that . R=Red S=Soda T=Tacos U= U are awesome. V=Violin W=Water X=Xylophone Y=Yellow Cake Z=Zoey cause that's my childhood friend.